How you can support your child at home

Maths Home Learning:

Each week, in KS1 and KS2, your child will have set tasks which include practice questions in their home learning, which are directly related to the small steps of learning covered during the week. We ensure that this is consolidation and not new learning. Evidence tells us that children’s fluency and understanding will improve with deliberate practice of skills. This practice is vital in making sure that learning is committed to long term memory.

In EYFS, incorporate mathematics into everyday routines and activities: tidying up and meal times in particular provide opportunities for conversations about counting, comparing, time, and sharing. Snack times and meals are a great opportunity to learn mathematics, such as counting, estimating and comparing.  You can compare quantities such as more or less or quantify food items (making sure to link the last number counted to the number of items in the set) or discuss the capacity of different cups or jugs.

In KS1, please support your children every day with learning of key number factsArithmetic challenges are tested on every week to assess children’s fluency with number recall, which is vital for their maths confidence. Some of the number facts are included in home learning each week – please practice these with your child every day. 

Weblinks and Apps

Please click on the icons below for more.


In Year 1, your child will be given a login to access the home learning set by the class teacher.

White Rose 1 Minute Maths:

This is available as a free app to download and is a great and fun way to practice number facts.

Purple Mash:

As part of weekly home learning expectations, the children are expected to visit Purple Mash daily.

Time Table Rock Stars:

As part of weekly home learning expectations, the children are expected to visit TTRS daily.

Times Tables:

In KS1, please support your child every day with their learning of basic times tables. Quick recall of times tables is essential for fluency and supports the children with all areas of the maths curriculum. By the end of Year 2, children should be confident and fluent with the 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

Purple Mash is a great resource – evidence shows that using it daily will improve children’s recall of facts. As part of weekly home learning expectations, the children are expected to go on to Purple Mash every day.

In KS2, please support your child every day with their learning of times tables. Automatic recall of times tables (within 6 seconds) is essential for fluency and necessary for children to access many areas of the KS2 curriculum. It is an expectation set by the government that children should know ALL facts to 12×12 by the end of Year 4. Purple Mash is very good for Year 4 pupils to use as it prepares them for the Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) which all Year 4 pupils across the country sit in June each year.

Times Tables Rock Stars is a great resource – evidence shows that using it daily will improve children’s recall of facts. As part of weekly home learning expectations, the children are expected to go on to TTRS every day. Logins are provided by the class teacher.

You can use it at or download the app. If you are not sure how to log on please ask your child’s class teacher. Children should be using the ‘Garage’ game to practise – this will give them the facts they need. Encourage children to have a go – if they type the wrong answer they will be corrected straight away and then have another chance to get it right. This practice is essential for long-term learning!

Useful Links:

These website or apps are also good for practising number bonds and number facts and other areas of the maths curriculum:
