Important Information:

We have a brand new online school uniform shop. Please visit the website below to shop for your school uniform.

Go to:

Our Uniform:

The school colours are blue and yellow. Children should come to school in combinations of these colours, and be smartly dressed.   Hair ties and bands are expected to be in school colours only.  Haircuts are recommended to reflect a smart outlook on life.  Long or short hair is fine.  Excessive use of hair gel is discouraged.

Reception to Year 6:

  • Grey pinafore dress or grey skirt
  • Grey school trousers (long or short)
  • Yellow polo shirt, with Nutfield Church Primary School logo
  • Royal blue cardigan or royal blue sweatshirt, with Nutfield Church Primary School logo
  • White/grey socks or tights
  • In the summer, blue/white checked dress


  • Black, brown or blue shoes. Shoes for school should hard wearing and sensible, with low heels. Please note that trainers, fashion shoes, boots or strappy sandals should not be worn.

P.E. Kit:

  • Yellow T-shirt, with Nutfield Church Primary School logo
  • Royal blue shorts
  • Plimsolls or trainers (football boots for clubs)
  • Drawstring P.E. bag with Nutfield Church Primary School logo

Hair Ties:

  • Black, brown, yellow, white or blue hair ties.

Watches and jewellery:

  • Watches may be worn but they should be named.
  • Children who have pierced ears may only wear studs or sleepers and these have to be removed by the child for P.E/games.
  • All other items of jewellery should not be worn in school.

School Bag:

  • Book bag with Nutfield Church Primary school logo.

How you can order uniform:

Uniform can be purchased online from Price & There are two delivery options. Posted direct to your home address at a charge of £3.95 for 1st class post (usually delivered within 5 working days) or £2.95 for 2nd class post.  Alternatively, your uniform can be delivered directly to school free of charge. Orders will arrive on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, term time only as advised by Price & Buckland.

Please name your uniform:

We would be very grateful if you could name all items of uniform with your child’s name (surname is fine).  This helps reunite pupils with clothing.  We do not have a lost property box, the children are expected to look after their clothes and value their property.  We do however support them in developing these values as much as they need.
