Maths at Nutfield Church Primary School

Our aim is to provide a high-quality maths education that enthuses and empowers children to see the value of maths and its importance in the wider world; a way of thinking and finding solutions to problems we encounter every day.

We want children to be confident and proficient mathematicians and teach them to be able to fluently recall key mathematical facts, efficiently complete procedures, and understand mathematical concepts to apply them in a variety of contexts. We believe it is important for children to not only be able to find the answers to problems, but to be able to explain the reasoning behind their understanding using accurate mathematical vocabulary.

Mathematics is, in it’s own way, the poetry of logical ideas.”

– Albert Einstein

A real love of maths

Overall, it is our aim to promote a real love of maths and help children understand the importance of it in our everyday lives, which they will continue to build on in secondary school and into their future careers.

Our maths curriculum is ambitious, and this starts right from Reception. Using the content from Development Matters, Primary National Curriculum, as well as aligning with White Rose Maths, we have sequenced our maths curriculum, so that children learn in sequenced ‘blocks’ which then have ‘small steps’ that carefully build on children’s prior learning at each step. The curriculum also ensures that skills that have been learnt are then used in different contexts, ensuring that children’s understanding is strengthened.

We base the teaching and learning of mathematics on a research-based pedagogical approach. We follow the White Rose Scheme of learning which supports a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics which is consistent with the aims and objectives of the EYFS and Primary National Curriculums.

At the heart of the scheme is the focus on number.  A considerable amount of time is spent reinforcing number in order to build the necessary foundations and competencies to ensure our children are able to access the rest of the maths curriculum. As with every subject, we recognise what makes maths unique, and as a result make pedagogical choices to ensure teaching is the best it can possibly be. We have captured our pedagogical choice for maths in our Maths Principles document.

White Rose Downloads:

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Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract

Through each of the topics taught, children acquire a depth of knowledge.  Opportunities to revisit and reinforce prior learning is built into later blocks throughout the course of the year.  Each topic focuses on developing the keys areas of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Research shows that when children are introduced to new concepts, it is important that they should be able to develop their competency by following the CPA approach of Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract.


Children work with physical/concrete objects or resources.  These help to bring maths to life and to build an understanding of what they are doing.


Alongside the concrete materials, children work with pictorial representations, which help to make links with the concrete.  This visual helps children to reason and solve problems.


Alongside both the concrete and pictorial representations, the children are able to develop their understanding of abstract methods.

Maths News:

Please click on the headings below for more.
