Ark Wraparound Care

What we offer:

Through themed topics we aim to provide a range of activities, incorporating craft, computer work, board games, reading, imaginary play, outdoor games, sport and much more.

A snack and drink are provided each day. However, this is not intended to be a substitute for a main evening meal that the child may receive at home. This will be prepared on the premises using fresh ingredients.

Individual dietary requirements and parental preferences are met wherever possible. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly family setting. As far as possible all children will be seated at tables and at the same time.

Drop-off and collection:

Children can be dropped off in the school playground between 7.45am and 8.00am. The school gate is open for collections from 5.15pm with the latest collection at 5.15pm. An early pick-up at 4.15pm is available and should be arranged with Ark in advance.

If you are delayed for whatever reason, please call Ark on its dedicated number 07901000485. A late collection fee of £15 per 15 minutes will be charged if children are collected after 5.35pm.


You will receive an invoice for the time your child/children attend the club within the first 2 weeks of every half term. Payments must be paid for a half term in advance. Please ensure you use the invoice number as your reference when making payment and ensure the amount you pay matches the total invoice amount.

Refunds are not given for sickness, occasional days off or holidays during term time. You will still be charged for the days you have requested even if your child was not able to attend or you change your mind nearer the date(s). There will be no charge for sessions booked when your child/children are attending a school residential trip.

Ark hours:

  • Breakfast Club: 7.45am-8.45am
  • After School Club: 3.15pm-5.15pm

Ark fees:

  • Breakfast Club: £8.50
  • After School Club: £14.50

Full Details & Forms:

Please click on the links below to download more in-depth information.
