Our Current Menu

For the first three weeks of term, our school cook, Natasha, follows the Surrey menu published here on the school’s website. After these first three weeks, Natasha adapts the menu to suit the preferences of our pupils. If you would like to see the annotated version of the menu, please drop into the school office and they will happily talk you through these amendments.

For our latest menu and more, click on the links below:


The price of a school lunch (Key Stage 2 pupils) is £2.80.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils are entitled to free school meals under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals Scheme

Payments for School Catering will be made to:-

Commercial Services,
Surrey County Council,
Epsom Local Office,
Town Hall, The Parade,
Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BY.

Please Note: Your bank statement will display WWW.SURREYCC.GOV.UK.

To find out more you can download their brochure here.

School Meals On-Line Payments

You are now able to pay on-line for your child’s school meals.

In order to do this please click on the link below:
