Outdoor Learning
As part of our Wellbeing Curriculum at Nutfield Church we have an extensive outdoor learning programme for each year group. Every class in the school has an area of responsibility which they focus on for the year. Lessons and activities throughout the year will include visits to the class area, researching, investigating, planning and designing.
At Nutfield Church Primary School we use Philosophy for Children (P4C) to aid our pupils in deeper thinking and to develop skills in challenging ideas, asking questions, building on the ideas of others and understanding that ideas are valued and respected. Pupils engage with views, beliefs and opinions that are different from their own in considered ways. As a result, pupils understand, appreciate and respect difference in the world and its people.
Why teach outdoors?
Learning outdoors in a real context can turn the abstract into the concrete. It inspires curiosity and investigation which inspire enquiring minds and enables children to achieve. The outdoors is a dynamic environment that stimulates creativity and enables learning to happen faster. It supports emotional and physical wellbeing an impacts positively on attitudes and self-esteem. Regular contact with the natural world builds deep connections that can last a lifetime and increases knowledge and care for the environment.