This week our children took part in ‘Think Space’ run by the Christian charity, SparkFish. SparkFish helps schools provide space in the curriculum for spiritual development.
During this week, we set a room aside for several days and the SparkFish team converted it into Think! – a special space for children to reflect, wonder, ponder and, if they wish, pray and explore their sense of spirituality in a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Think! draws on rich Christian traditions of reflection and prayer in an open and inclusive way. It is a place for quiet, but not for stillness. It is set up with activities to engage minds and hearts with questions there isn’t usually time to ask. The children took part in a number of memorable activities.
Here are a few:
Picking an animal and thinking about where it lives in nature then creating a home for it out of sand.
‘Mirror of Joy’: children thought about things that made them really happy and wrote or drew these thoughts down on post-it note. These notes were then placed around a mirror so when the children looked into the mirror, they saw themselves surrounded by happy thoughts.
‘Thoughts in the Tent’: Children sat in the tent and listened to soothing sounds of nature through headphones to help them focus their thoughts and relax. The children then wrote down these thoughts on paper and attached them to the prayer tree.
Thank you SparkFish for your inspiration and creating a sense of wonder and feelings of peace at Nutfield Church School.