I am immensely proud to announce that thanks to the work of Mrs Matthews and our Eco Team, our school has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
To achieve an Eco-Schools Green Flag schools, our school worked on three of the Eco-Schools Ten Topics. These topics have been chosen to combat a variety of global issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution. The topics we chose were: School Grounds, Litter and Biodiversity.
Each school that achieves the Green Flag award will have a tree planted on their behalf by the team at JUST ONE Tree, supporting our planet’s biodiversity and extracting carbon from the atmosphere.
Top tip from the Eco team
Turn growing your own veggies into a family hobby. Ditch supermarket packaging and transport costs and dig a little veggie patch, or get yourself on the list for an allotment. Turn growing fruit and vegetables into a family hobby and you’re winning all round.