This term we have a new topic: Come Outside! This week we have been thinking about our pets and how to look after them.
Inside Classroom
Children were encouraged to make their own pet rock. They were given a stone and then used acrylic paints and gems to decorate them. The children then gave their pet a name and were encouraged to think about how they could care for them. Children used string to measure different items around the classroom.
The children chose objects to measure using the string, they then cut the string to the length of the object and used the string to compare which objects were longer and which were shorter. The tuff tray had turned into a pond this week complete with 9 magnetic fish. Children had to try and see how many of the nine fish they could catch in one minute.
Outside Classroom
Children drew around their bodies, cut them out and compared them with each other to see who was the tallest. Children used playdoh to create worms.
They were challenged to see who could make the shortest and the longest worms.
Children practised spelling Harder to Read and Spell words stamping letters into playdoh. What is your favourite pet? Children were asked to paint their favourite pet onto a plate.
We took some pictures of our Reception class enjoying their learning today, which can be seen in the gallery below. Please click on the thumbnails for a larger view.