Monday 13th November 2023:
This week the theme in our EYFS classroom is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ The children arrived on Monday morning to find some mud, beans, gold coins, leaves and the music of a harp playing in the background. Mrs Brooks then showed the children some footage caught on the school security cameras, which showed an enormous beanstalk shooting out of the school fields. Luckily Fred managed to chop it down before any children arrived at school and were tempted to climb it!
Teddy bear’s birthday party:
This week in Maths we are learning about the composition on 4 – 5. We set up a teddy bear’s birthday party. Each teddy had a birthday badge with their age on and a playdoh cupcake. The children were asked to put the correct number of candles on each cake for each bear.
Keywords and phrases:
We have been writing key words and phrases from the story Jack and the Beanstalk onto leaves and made our own beanstalk with them in the classroom.
Castle in clouds:
The outside tuff tray was filled with shaving foam and the children were given lego to build their own ‘castle in clouds’ just like in Jack and the Beanstalk.
Beanstalk Playdoh:
We made beanstalks out of green playdoh
In Small World the children were given characters from the story Jack and the Beanstalk to retell the story.
Festival of Diwali
This week we have been celebrating the festival of Diwali. Children have made Diwali Rangoli patterns on paper plates, Diva lamps from the bottoms of plastic milk cartons and clay.