This week in the EYFS classroom we are continuing our exploration of Space. In particular we are focusing on the moon.
Classroom Learning
For our independent writing task this week, children were asked to use their phonemes to describe then draw the moon.
Children used black card, white crayons and small star stickers to try and recreate some of the star constellations they can see in the sky at night.
We used flour, paint and the top of a drinks bottle to create our own textured moons.
The children played with Noah’s Ark and tried to find pairs of animals to go into the ark.
Outdoor Learning
We are learning all about numbers 6, 7, 8 in Maths this week. In addition to this we are learning about doubling and odd and even numbers.
We used the large outdoors dominos and tried to find a domino where the dots on both sides of the domino added up to 6, 7 or 8.
We also threw a dice, counted the dots and then threw a second dice to see if we could double the number.
In RE we have been learning about the Christian belief of stewardship. Christians believe that God created mankind to look after the beautiful world be created and all the creatures in it. To be stewards ourselves we have been collecting natural materials from the school grounds and created mini bug hotels to hang around the wildlife area, to attract a variety of minibeast.
We took some pictures of our fantastic learning this morning, which can be seen in the gallery below. Please click on the thumbnails for a larger view.