On Thursday 4th November we held our first ‘Buddy Collective Worship.’ This was attended by both Year 6 and Reception parents and carers.
It was a lovely opportunity not only to officially welcome our Reception children into our community but also for our parents and carers to worship together and meet each other too.
Every year, each child in Year 6 is given the responsibility of looking after a child in Reception. Not only does this help Year 6 to become role models, it also helps the Reception children settle into life at Nutfield Church School.
We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 children, they set an outstanding example to their buddies and in doing so, both Reception and Year 6 are learning valuable life lessons. The children develop a strong bond and the confidence it gives them all is most valuable.
During the service, our Year 6 children read out a special promise they had written to their Reception buddy and we sang one of our favourite worship songs together ‘Our God is a Great Big God.’