Dear Parents,
We need YOUR help with a top-secret mission this half term…
In our classrooms, you will have the opportunity to participate in a Mystery Read! We are searching for volunteers to read to your child’s class at the end of the day during story time (2.45pm), next half term. All we ask is that you bring in, and read aloud, a favourite picture book to the class. This will help share a LOVE of reading to all pupils! Because this is a MYSTERY, all information is kept from your child, including the date you are coming, the clues you provide and the picture book you will be reading. If you would like to join us on the mystery, but need help choosing a book, we are happy to help!
If you or someone you know (family member or relative) would like to take part in this mission, please fill out the attached form (below) regarding the dates you would be available. Nearer the time, we will ask for three clues about yourself, which will then be read to the class before your arrival, to build suspense and keep the children guessing who our Mystery reader will be!
Please remember, this mission is TOP SECRET!
Let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you in school soon.
Mrs Cordey and team