As part of our ‘Love Project’ for the Autumn term we are asking families to support Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian international relief organisation.
After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “go and do likewise.” This is the mission of Samaritan’s Purse – to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel. Through Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse aims to provide children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster or famine with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies.
Please find a list of gift suggestions below or alternatively look on the Samaritan’s Purse website:
Please indicate the gender of the child and the age group your gift is intended for on your shoe box (age groups: 2-4, 5-9 and 10-14). We are asking for Shoe boxes to be brought into school by the 18th November. The boxes will be blessed at the 10am service in Christ Church on 21st November. Operation Christmas Child do also ask for a suggested donation of £5 for each shoe box.
This money goes towards the cost of shipping the shoe boxes around the world and payment can be made through the website:
Once you have paid you will receive a barcode that can be stuck into your shoe box. This barcode will allow you to track the destination of your gift. Many Thanks in advance for your support.
Gift Suggestions:
TOYS: A football and pump, cuddly toys, dolls, toy cars, small musical instruments, yo-yos, skipping ropes, balls, small puzzles etc.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks, solar calculators, colouring & picture books etc.
HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrush, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, flannel.
OTHER ITEMS: Hat, gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, socks, T-shirt, flip-flops, hair accessories, jewellery set, watch, wind-up torch etc.
Toothpaste, sweets, lotions and liquids; used or damaged items; war-related items; seeds, gum, chocolate or food items; religious or political literature; medicines, aerosol cans, sharp or fragile items.