Thank you so much to those of you who have continued to support the farm and the animals, A few of you have bought in items from Mrs Brooks’ suggested list, Thank you!
Many more of you are continuing to support the farm by volunteering over the weekend and holiday times. This is a lovely way for you to help us and wonderful for the children involved. If you would like to come to have a look at what volunteering may involve please let Mrs Brooks know by contacting the school office. She will contact you and find a good time to meet with you, I am pleased to let you know that thanks to our new barns the animals are warm, dry and toasty.
The chickens’ Eglu has done its job too and all four of our chickens remain safe and well. Year 2 and our Eco Club will soon be planting and organising our hanging baskets, which is always such a positive sign of spring. We are all looking forward to seeing our croci soon!